묵상/Daily Bread

이야기는 끝나지 않았다(THE STORY ISN’T OVER)

최수근 2022. 9. 23. 07:57

💙 이야기는 끝나지 않았다

 ✝  마태복음 6:9 - 6:13 

“ 나라가 임하시오며 뜻이 하늘에서 이루어진 것 같이 땅에서도 이루어지이다 “[마태복음 6:10]

영국 TV 드라마 ‘라인 오브 듀티(Line of Duty)’의 마지막 회가 방영될 때, 조직범죄에 대항하는 싸움이 어떻게 끝날지 보려는 시청자들 때문에 기록적으로 시청률이 올라갔습니다. 하지만 악이 결국 이길 것을 암시하며 드라마가 끝나자 많은 시청자들이 실망했습니다. 어떤 시청자는 이렇게 이야기했습니다. “나쁜 사람들이 정의의 심판을 받기를 바랐어요. 우리는 도덕적인 결말을 원했거든요.” 

사회학자 피터 버거는 사람들은 소망과 정의에 굶주려 있다고 이야기했습니다. 언젠가는 악이 극복되고 악한 일을 한 사람들이 그들 범죄의 대가를 치르게 될 것이라는 소망 말입니다. 나쁜 사람들이 승리하는 세상은 우리가 생각하는 세상의 순리와 맞지 않습니다. 
그 실망한 시청자들은 아마도 부지불식간에 정의로운 세상으로 다시 변하기를 바라는 인류의 깊은 열망을 표현하고 있었던 것입니다.

주기도문을 보면, 예수님은 세상에 존재하는 악에 대해 현실적인 태도를 보입니다. 악은 우리 가운데 실재하며, 그래서 용서가 필요합니다(마태복음 6:12). 뿐만 아니라 좀 더 큰 관점에서 악으로부터의 구원이 필요합니다(13절). 
그런데, 악이 존재하는 현실을 인정하는 생각은 소망과 연결됩니다. 악이 존재하지 않는 곳은 바로 천국, 하나님의 나라가 이 땅에 임할 것이라는 것이 우리의 소망인 것입니다(10절). 언젠가 하나님의 정의가 실현되고, 그분의 “도덕적인 결말”이 임해, 악은 영원히 추방될 것입니다(요한계시록 21:4).

따라서 이 세상에서 나쁜 사람들이 승리하는 것을 보고 실망감에 빠질 때 이것을 기억합시다. 하나님의 뜻이 “하늘에서 이루어진 것같이 땅에서도” 이루어지기까지 우리에게는 언제나 소망이 있습니다. 왜냐하면 아직 이야기는 끝나지 않았기 때문입니다.

왜 우리는 소망과 정의에 굶주려 있을까요? 어떻게 주기도문이 당신을 악과 실망을 직면할 수 있도록 도와줍니까?

<하늘에 계신 하나님 아버지,
나라가 임하시오며 뜻이 하늘에서 이루어진 것 같이 땅에서도 이루어지게 하소서>

[마태복음 6:9 - 6:13]
9. 그러므로 너희는 이렇게 기도하라 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지여 이름이 거룩히 여김을 받으시오며
10. 나라가 임하시오며 뜻이 하늘에서 이루어진 것 같이 땅에서도 이루어지이다
11. 오늘 우리에게 일용할 양식을 주시옵고
12. 우리가 우리에게 죄 지은 자를 사하여 준 것 같이 우리 죄를 사하여 주시옵고
13. 우리를 시험에 들게 하지 마시옵고 다만 악에서 구하시옵소서 (나라와 권세와 영광이 아버지께 영원히 있사옵나이다 아멘


 ✝  Matthew 6:9 - 6:13 

“ Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. “[ MATTHEW 6:10 ]

When British drama Line of Duty concluded, record numbers watched to see how its fight against organized crime would end. But many viewers were left disappointed when the finale implied that evil would ultimately win. “I wanted the bad guys brought to justice,” one fan said. “We needed that moral ending.” 

Sociologist Peter Berger once noted that we hunger for hope and justice—hope that evil will one day be overcome and that those who caused it will be made to face their crimes. A world where the bad guys win goes against how we know the world should work. Without probably realizing it, those disappointed fans were expressing humanity’s deep longing for the world to be made right again.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus is realistic about evil. It exists not only between us, requiring forgiveness (MATTHEW 6:12), but on a grand scale, requiring deliverance (V. 13). This realism, however, is matched with hope. There’s a place where evil doesn’t exist— heaven—and that heavenly kingdom is coming to earth (V. 10). One day God’s justice will be complete, His “moral ending” will come, and evil will be banished for good (REVELATION 21:4).

So when the real-life bad guys win and disappointment sets in, let’s remember this: until God’s will is done “on earth as it is in heaven,” there is always hope—because the story isn’t over.

Why do you think we hunger for hope and justice? 
How can praying the Lord’s Prayer help you face evil and disappointment?

<Heavenly Father, may Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!>

[ Matthew 6:9 - 6:13 ] 
9. "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.
10. 'Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
11. 'Give us this day our daily bread.
12. 'And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13. 'And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. {For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.}