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묵상/Daily Bread


by 최수근 2022. 3. 7.

💙 기꺼이 기다림

 ✝  야고보서 5:7 - 5:12 

“ 그러므로 형제들아 주께서 강림하시기까지 길이 참으라 보라 농부가 땅에서 나는 귀한 열매를 바라고 길이 참아 이른 비와 늦은 비를 기다리나니 “[야고보서 5:7]

기다림은 우리 마음의 평화를 앗아가는 주범일 수도 있습니다. 컴퓨터 과학자인 라메쉬 시타라만은 웹브라우저 창이 느리게 뜨는 것을 기다리는 일 같은 사소한 것들이 인터넷 사용자들에게 “보편적인 욕구불만과 분노를 유발한다”고 말합니다. 
그의 연구에 의하면 사람들이 온라인 동영상이 열리는 것을 기다리는 평균 시간이 2초인데, 5초가 지나면 25 퍼센트 정도가 포기하고, 10초가 넘어가면 절반 정도의 사용자가 그만둔다고 합니다. 우리는 확실히 참을성이 없는 무리들입니다!

야고보는 그리스도인들에게 예수님의 재림을 기다리는 동안 포기하지 말라고 격려했습니다. 그리스도의 재림은 그들이 고난 앞에서 굳게 서고, 서로 사랑하고 존중하게 하는 원동력이 되었습니다(야고보서 5:7-10). 
야고보는 농부의 예를 들어 설명합니다. “이른 비와 늦은 비”(7절), 그리고 땅에서 나는 귀중한 농작물을 바라보며 인내심을 갖고 기다리는 농부처럼, 신자들도 예수님이 다시 오실 때까지 압제 속에서 인내하라고 격려했습니다. 
예수님께서 다시 오시면 모든 그릇된 것을 고치시고 샬롬, 곧 평화를 가져오실 것입니다.
예수님을 기다리다가 때로는 포기하고 싶은 유혹을 받기도 합니다. 
그러나 우리는 기다리는 동안 “깨어 있으면서”(마태복음 24:42), 계속 신실하며 (25:14-30) 하나님의 성품과 가르침에 따라 살아야 합니다(골로새서 3:12). 
예수님이 언제 다시 오실지 모르지만, 시간이 얼마나 걸리든 인내하며 주님을 기다립시다.

예수님의 재림을 기다리는 데 가장 힘든 것은 무엇입니까? 
예수님의 재림은 우리가 예수님의 성품과 가르침대로 살아가는데 어떻게 격려가 됩니까?

<예수님, 저는 주님을 기다리겠습니다. 세상이 어둡고, 고통과 고난, 불의, 불확실함으로 가득 차 있을지라도 주님을 기다리겠습니다.
그 날과 시간은 알지 못해도 주님을 기다리겠습니다.>

7. ○그러므로 형제들아 주께서 강림하시기까지 길이 참으라 보라 농부가 땅에서 나는 귀한 열매를 바라고 길이 참아 이른 비와 늦은 비를 기다리나니
8. 너희도 길이 참고 마음을 굳건하게 하라 주의 강림이 가까우니라
9. 형제들아 서로 원망하지 말라 그리하여야 심판을 면하리라 보라 심판주가 문 밖에 서 계시니라
10. 형제들아 주의 이름으로 말한 선지자들을 고난과 오래 참음의 본으로 삼으라
11. 보라 인내하는 자를 우리가 복되다 하나니 너희가 욥의 인내를 들었고 주께서 주신 결말을 보았거니와 주는 가장 자비하시고 긍휼히 여기시는 이시니라
12. ○내 형제들아 무엇보다도 맹세하지 말지니 하늘로나 땅으로나 아무 다른 것으로도 맹세하지 말고 오직 너희가 그렇다고 생각하는 것은 그렇다 하고 아니라고 생각하는 것은 아니라 하여 정죄 받음을 면하라


 ✝  James 5:7 - 5:12 

“ Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. [ JAMES 5:7 ]

Waiting can be a culprit in stealing our peace. According to computer scientist Ramesh Sitaraman, few  things “inspire universal frustration and ire” in internet users as waiting for a sluggish web browser to load. 
His research says that we’re willing to wait an average of two seconds for an online video to load. After five seconds, the abandonment rate is about twenty-five percent, and after ten seconds, half of the users desert their efforts. We’re certainly an impatient  bunch!

James encouraged believers in Jesus to not abandon Him while they were waiting for His second coming. Christ’s return would motivate them to stand firm in the face of suffering and to love and honor one another (JAMES 5:7–10). 
James used the example of the farmer to make his point. Like the farmer, who waited patiently for  “autumn and spring rains” (V. 7) and for the land to yield its valuable crop, James encouraged believers to be patient under oppression until Jesus returned. And when He returned, He would right every wrong and bring shalom, peace.
Sometimes, we’re tempted to forsake Jesus while we wait for Him. But as we wait, let’s “keep watch” (MATTHEW 24:42), remain faithful (25:14–30), and live out His character and ways (COLOSSIANS 3:12). Though we don’t know when Jesus will return, let’s wait patiently for Him, as long as it takes. 



What’s hardest about waiting for Jesus’ return? How’s His return an incentive for living out His character and ways?

<Jesus, I’ll wait for You. Though the world is dark and filled with pain, suffering, injustice, and uncertainty, I’ll wait for You. Though I don’t know the day or the time, I’ll wait for You.>

7. Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop  and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.
8. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.
9. Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
10. Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
11. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen  what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
12. Above all, my brothers, do not swear -- not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and      your "No," no, or you will be condemned

