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소중한 사람들을 사랑하라(LOVE YOUR LOVED ONES)

by 최수근 2022. 2. 22.

💙 소중한 사람들을 사랑하라

 ✝  골로새서 4:7 - 4:10 

“그가 이르거든 영접하라”[골로새서 4:10]

아모스는 외향적이며 거만한 사람이었고, 대니는 자신에 대한 회의로 힘들어하며 혼자 있기를 좋아하는 사람이었습니다. 
어쩐 일인지 이 괴짜 천재들이 단짝 친구가 되었습니다. 그들은 함께 웃고 배우면서 10년을 같이 보냈는데, 어느 날 그들의 업적으로 노벨상을 받게 되었습니다. 그러나 대니는 아모스의 자기중심적인 행동에 싫증이 나 친구 관계를 그만두자고 말했습니다.
삼일 후, 아모스는 전화로 충격적인 소식을 전했습니다. 그가 암에 걸려 6개월 밖에 살지 못한다는 진단을 받았다는 것입니다. 마음이 찢어진 대니는 “네가 어떻게 생각하든 우리는 친구야.”라고 말했습니다.

바울은 완고한 선지자였고, 바나바는 온화한 성품의 격려자였습니다. 성령님은 그들을 한데 묶어 선교여행을 보냈습니다(사도행전 13:2-3). 그들은 함께 설교하며 교회들을 세워 나가다가 의무를 저버리고 떠난 마가에 대해 서로 의견을 달리하게 되었습니다. 
바나바는 마가에게 한번 더 기회를 주기를 원했고, 바울은 그를 더 이상 신뢰할 수 없다고 했습니다. 그래서 그들은 헤어졌습니다(15:36-41).
바울은 결국에는 마가를 용서했습니다. 바울은 세 서신서를 쓰면서 마가로부터의 인사를 전하거나 마가를 추천하면서 마무리했습니다(골로새서 4:10; 디모데후서 4:11; 빌레몬서 1:24). 그가 바나바와는 어떻게 되었는지 우리는 모릅니다. 바울과 화해할 만큼 바나바가 오래 살았을까요? 그랬기를 바랍니다. 

오늘 상황이 어떻든, 당신과 사이가 틀어졌을지도 모르는 사람들에게 다가가도록 노력해 보십시오. 
바로 지금이 당신이 그들을 얼마나 사랑하는지 보여주고 말할수 있는 시간입니다
지금 누구와 화해가 필요합니까? 
만일 그 사람이 더 이상 살아 있지 않다면 당신의 그 아픔을 어떻게 해야 할까요?
<하나님 아버지, 삶의 한가지 주된 목적이 주위 사람들에게 사랑을 보여주는 것임을 알게 하소서.>

7. ○두기고가 내 사정을 다 너희에게 알려 주리니 그는 사랑 받는 형제요 신실한 일꾼이요 주 안에서 함께 종이 된 자니라
8. 내가 그를 특별히 너희에게 보내는 것은 너희로 우리 사정을 알게 하고 너희 마음을 위로하게 하려 함이라
9. 신실하고 사랑을 받는 형제 오네시모를 함께 보내노니 그는 너희에게서 온 사람이라 그들이 여기 일을 다 너희에게 알려 주리라
10. ○나와 함께 갇힌 아리스다고와 바나바의 생질 마가와 (이 마가에 대하여 너희가 명을 받았으매 그가 이르거든 영접하라


 ✝  Colossians 4:7 - 4:10 

“If he comes to you, welcome him.”[ COLOSSIANS 4:10 ]

Amos was an overbearing extrovert, and Danny was a loner wracked with self-doubt. Somehow these eccentric geniuses became best friends. They spent a decade laughing and learning together. One day their work would receive a Nobel Prize. 
But Danny tired of Amos’selfcentered ways and told him they were no longer friends.
Three days later, Amos called with terrible news. Doctors had found cancer and given him six months to live. Danny’s heart broke. “We’re friends,” he said, “whatever you think we are.” 

Paul was a hard-nosed visionary and Barnabas a soft-hearted encourager. The Spirit put them together and sent them on a missionary journey(ACTS 13:2–3). 
They preached and started churches, until their disagreement over Mark’s desertion. Barnabas wanted to give Mark a second chance. Paul said he could no longer be trusted. So they split up (15:36–41).
Paul eventually forgave Mark. He closed three letters with greetings from or commendations for him  (COLOSSIANS 4:10; 2 TIMOTHY 4:11; PHILEMON 1:24). We don’t know what happened with Barnabas. Did he live long enough to be reconciled with Paul in this life? I hope so. 

Whatever your situation today, try to reach out to those with whom you may have had a falling out. 
Now is the time to show and tell them how much you love them. 

With whom do you need to reconcile?What can you do with your pain if that person is no longer living?

<Father, help me to see that one primary purpose of life is to show love to those around me.>

7. Tychicus will tell you all the news about me. He is a dear brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord.
8. I am sending him to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts.
9. He is coming with Onesimus, our faithful and dear brother, who is one of you. They will tell you everything that is happening here.
10. My fellow prisoner Aristarchus sends you his greetings, as does Mark, the cousin of Barnabas. (You have received instructions about him; if he comes to you, welcome him.
