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묵상/Daily Bread

함께 함으로 더 좋은

by 최수근 2022. 11. 1.

💙 함께 함으로 더 좋은

 ✝   사도행전 2:42 - 2:47 

“ 믿는 사람이 다 함께 있어 모든 물건을 서로 통용하고 “[사도행전 2:44]

홀로 아이를 키우는 워킹맘, 마리는 교회나 성경 공부에 거의 빠지지 않았습니다. 매주 그녀의 다섯 아이와 함께 버스를 타고 교회에 다니면서 교회에 가서는 예배를 준비하고 정리하는 일을 도왔습니다. 
어느 주일날, 목사님이 마리에게 몇 명의 교인들이 그녀의 가족을 위해 선물을 기부했다고 알려주었습니다. 한 부부는 임대료를 낮추어 집을 빌려주었고, 다른 부부는 마리가 그들의 커피숍에서 복지혜택을 받으며 일할 수 있는 일자리를 제공했습니다. 한 젊은 남자는 자신이 수리한 중고차를 주며 고장나면 언제나 무료로 고쳐주겠다고 약속했습니다. 마리는 하나님과 서로를 섬기는 일에 헌신한 공동체에 속해 있음을 기뻐하며 하나님께 감사했습니다. 

우리가 모두 마리의 교회가족처럼 관대하게 베풀지는 못할 지라도, 하나님의 백성들은 기본적으로 서로 돕도록 만들어졌습니다. 복음서의 저자 누가는 예수님을 믿는 신자들이 “사도들의 가르침을 받고 교제”하는 일에 “힘썼다”고 기록했습니다(사도행전 2:42). 
우리도 초대교회 신자들처럼 우리가 가진 것을 모아 가난하고 어려운 사람들을 돕는 일을 함께 할 수 있습니다 (44-45절). 

하나님과 서로 서로에게 더 가까워질수록 우리는 서로를 더 잘 돌볼 수 있습니다. 그리고 하나님의 백성들의 행동으로 드러나는 하나님의 사랑을 목격함으로써 사람들은 구원에 이르는 예수님과의 관계로 이끌림 받게 될 것입니다(46-47절).
우리는 미소나 친절한 행동으로 다른 사람들을 섬길 수 있으며, 금전적인 기부나 기도로 도울 수도 있습니다. 하나님이 우리 안에서 그리고 우리를 통해 역사하시면, 우리는 말 그대로 함께 함으로써 더 좋아지게 될 것입니다.

하나님과 서로를 섬기는 일에 힘쓰는 공동체를 경험하는 것은왜 중요합니까? 
이번 주에 어떻게 나만 생각하지 않고 넉넉한 맘으로 누군가를 섬길 수 있을까요?

<사랑의 하나님 아버지, 저희가 궁핍한 사람들을 보고 그들을 섬김으로써 하나님을 섬길 수 있도록 도와주소서.>

[사도행전 2:42 - 2:47]
42. 그들이 사도의 가르침을 받아 서로 교제하고 떡을 떼며 오로지 기도하기를 힘쓰니라
43. ○사람마다 두려워하는데 사도들로 말미암아 기사와 표적이 많이 나타나니
44. 믿는 사람이 다 함께 있어 모든 물건을 서로 통용하고
45. 또 재산과 소유를 팔아 각 사람의 필요를 따라 나눠 주며
46. 날마다 마음을 같이하여 성전에 모이기를 힘쓰고 집에서 떡을 떼며 기쁨과 순전한 마음으로 음식을 먹고
47. 하나님을 찬미하며 또 온 백성에게 칭송을 받으니 주께서 구원 받는 사람을 날마다 더하게 하시니


 ✝  Acts 2:42 - 2:47 

“All the believers were together and had everything in common.”[ ACTS 2:44 ]

Marie, a single working mom, rarely missed church or Bible study. Each week, she rode the bus to and from church with her five children and helped with set up and clean up. 
One Sunday, the pastor told Marie that some church members had donated gifts for the family. One couple provided the family a house with reduced rent. Another couple offered her a job with benefits at their coffee shop. A young man gave her an old car he’d rebuilt and promised to serve as her personal mechanic. Marie thanked God for the joy of living in a community devoted to serving God and each other.

Though we may not all be able to give as generously as Marie’s church family, God’s people are designed to help each other. The gospel writer Luke described believers in Jesus as “devoted” to the “apostles’ teaching and to fellowship” (ACTS 2:42). When we combine our resources, we can work together to help those in need like the first believers in Jesus did (VV. 44–45). 

As we grow closer to God and each other, we can care for one another. Witnessing God’s love demonstrated through His people’s actions can lead others to a saving relationship with Jesus (VV. 46–47).
We can serve others with a smile or a kind deed. We can offer a financial gift or a prayer. As God works in and through us, we’re simply better together. -XOCHITL DIXON
Why is it important to experience a community devoted to serving God and each other? 
How can you serve someone selflessly and generously this week?

<Loving Father, please help me see those in need and serve You by serving others.>

[ Acts 2:42 - 2:47]
42. And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
43. And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles.
44. And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common;
45. and they [began] selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.
46. And day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart,
47. praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.
