💙 궁극의 치유자
✝ 민수기 21:4-9; 열왕기하 18:4-7
[히스기야가] 모세가 만들었던 놋뱀을 부수고 [열왕기하 18:4]
식구 중 하나가 심한 음식 알레르기로 고생하다가 한가지 치료법을 만나 낫게 되었습니다. 나는 너무나 좋아서 만나는 사람마다 그 이야기를 했습니다. 복잡한 치료 원리도 설명해주고 프로그램을 만든 의사를 대단한 분이라고 알렸습니다. 마침내 친구들이 말했습니다. “우리 생각에 치유는 다 하나님이 하시는 거야.” 나는 친구들의 말을 듣고 잠시 생각해 보았습니다. 내가 궁극의 치유자이신 하나님은 보지 않고 의술을 우상처럼 받든 게 아닌가?
이스라엘 민족도 하나님께서 그들을 치유하기 위해 쓰셨던 놋뱀에게 향을 피우기 시작하면서 이와 비슷한 함정에 빠졌습니다. 그들은 히스기야가 그 행위를 우상숭배로 단정하고 “모세가 만든 놋뱀을 부셔버릴”(열왕기하 18:4) 때까지 계속했습니다.
그보다 몇 백 년 앞서 이스라엘 진영에 독사들이 나타나 사람들을 물어서 많은 사람들이 죽었습니다(민수기 21:6). 그것은 영적으로 거역한 데서 생긴 문제였지만 사람들은 하나님께 도움을 청하며 울부짖었습니다. 자비로우신 하나님은 모세에게 놋뱀을 조각하여 장대에 매고 모든 사람이 볼 수 있도록 높이 들고 있으라고 지시하셨습니다. 이렇게 놋뱀을 바라본 사람들은 고침을 받았습니다(4-9절).
당신에게 주신 하나님의 선물들을 생각해보십시오. 그들 중 하나님의 자비와 은혜의 증거가 아니라 찬양의 대상이 된 것들이 있습니까? 모든 좋은 선물의 근원이신 거룩하신 우리의 하나님(야고보서 1:17)만이 예배 받기에 합당한 분이십니다.
하나님은 다른 사람들을 통해 그분의 선하심을 어떻게 보여주셨습니까? 왜 우리는 하나님이 우리의 삶에서 행하신 일들을 너무나 쉽게 다른 사람들의 공로로 돌릴까요?
<사랑하는 하나님, 제 기도를 들으시는 전능하신 하나님을 경배합니다. 제 생명을 지켜주시고 돌보아 주시니 감사합니다.>
💙 The Ultimate Healer
✝ Numbers 21:4-9; 2 Kings 18:4-7
[Hezekiah] broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made. [ 2 KINGS 18:4 ]
When a medical treatment began to provide relief for a family member’s severe food allergies, I became so excited that I talked about it all the time. I described the intense process and extolled the doctor who had created the program. Finally, some friends commented, “We think God should always get the credit for healing.” Their statement made me pause. Had I taken my eyes off the Ultimate Healer and made the healing into an idol?
The nation of Israel fell into a similar trap when they began to burn incense to a bronze snake which God had used to heal them. They’d been performing this act of worship until Hezekiah identified it as idolatry and “broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made” (2 KINGS 18:4).
Several centuries earlier, a group of venomous snakes had invaded the Israelite camp. The snakes bit the people and many died (NUMBERS 21:6). Although spiritual rebellion had caused the problem, the people cried out to God for help. Showing mercy, He directed Moses to sculpt a bronze snake, fasten it to a pole, and hold it up for everyone to see. When the people looked at it, they were healed (VV. 4.9).
Think of God’s gifts to you. Have any of them become objects of praise instead of evidence of His mercy and grace? Only our holy God – the source of every good gift (JAMES 1:17).is worthy of worship. JENNIFER BENSON SCHULDT
How has God shown you His goodness through other people? Why is it so easy to give people credit for what God has done in your life?
<Dear God, I worship You as the all-powerful God who hears my prayers. Thank You for sustaining my life and caring for me.>
4. They traveled from Mount Hor along the route to the Red Sea, to go around Edom. But the people grew impatient on the way; 5. they spoke against God and against Moses, and said, "Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the desert? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!" 6. Then the LORD sent venomous snakes among them; they bit the people and many Israelites died. 7. The people came to Moses and said, "We sinned when we spoke against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take the snakes away from us." So Moses prayed for the people. 8. The LORD said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live." 9. So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived. 4. He removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. He broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made, for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. (It was called Nehushtan.) 5. Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him. 6. He held fast to the LORD and did not cease to follow him; he kept the commands the LORD had given Moses. 7. And the LORD was with him; he was successful in whatever he undertook. He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him. |
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